
  Early-bird registration
(until April 30, 2024)
Regular registration
(from May 1 to June 30, 2024)
Late registration
(after July 1, 2024)
Active members of PTAiIT 950 PLN 1 250 PLN 1 500 PLN
Participant — a physician who is not an active member of PTAiIT 1 200 PLN 1 400 PLN 1 600 PLN
Resident physicians of Intensive Care Anesthesiology and postgraduate interns 600 PLN 800 PLN 950 PLN
Nurses, paramedics, students, anaesthetic midwives** 475 PLN 625 PLN 750 PLN
Sales representatives 1 200 zł 1 400 zł 1 600 zł
Participation in the non-substantive programme*** 250 zł 250 zł 250 zł


*The fee amount applies on the day of its payment, not on the day of registration for the Congress.

Please note that we cannot guarantee conference materials for those who register on-site or in the last days before the Congress.

Before paying the fee, please register via the electronic conference system by selecting the REGISTRATION button.

The participation fee includes:

  • Participation in scientific sessions,
  • Conference material,
  • Conference badge,
  • Refreshments,
  • Certificate for participation (electronic version).

Resignation from participation in Conference**:

Written resignation from participation in Conference should be reported to the Organizer’s address or by e-mail to the following address: zjazdait@viamedica.pl.

In the event of resignation, the participant is entitled to return of the registration fee reduced by handling costs:

  • resignation reported from the moment of payment to 30 days before Conference — handling costs are 10%,
  • resignation submitted from 29 to 15 days before Conference — handling costs are 35%,
  • resignation notified 14 days before Conference — the participant is not entitled to a refund.

Loss of badge:

If the badge received at the conference reception during registration is lost, the participant will be required to pay an on-site fee of PLN 100 for the issue of a new badge. Payment will only be possible by credit card.

**The rules of students’ participation in the Congress

In order to participate in the Congress, the student is obliged to register by completing the application form available on the conference website.

In the case of paid congresses and conferences, it is also necessary to pay the fee on time to the account indicated by the Organizer.

During the Congress, students can only take part in scientific and didactic sessions, but are not allowed to participate in sponsored sessions or sessions under the patronage of sponsoring companies, and are prohibited from entering the exhibition of enterprises from the pharmaceutical and equipment industries (legal basis: Act of September 6, 2001 Pharmaceutical Law. Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2211, as amended).

**The above conditions do not apply to natural persons who are consumers within the meaning of Art. 221 of the Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93), i.e., of February 9, 2017 (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 459, as amended).

***Participation in the non-substantive part of the programme includes all activities described in the tab non-substantive programme tab

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